  Local Student Admission Process

Select the Diploma or Course(s) you wish to study. click here to read more about Courses

Complete the Student Application Form and email it to us, also make sure to include £30 admin fee (cheques can be made payable to FCL College or visit us to process your payment through cash, credit card).

Mail To:
FCL College Wembley
Hazel House
1-3 Lancelot Road

Email To: fclcollege@gmail.com

Select a suitable payment plan (per weekly, per monthly or total fee upfront)

Please read the cancellation & refund policy within the student registration form and contact us if anything is unclear.

Once we receive your payment FCL College Wembley will confirm a place in the course selected to you in writing.

"Accredited by the British Accreditation Council for Independent and Higher Education"
© FCL College London 2019
Registered in England No: 4284382. Registered Office: Hazel House, 1-3 Lancelot Road, Middlesex HA0 2AL, UK